Hi! I’m Alissa.
And this is my crew.
This website is here to give you some insight into who I am professionally and personally. On the personal side, I was born and raised in Baton Rouge, and I come from a family of hard workers and real estate appraisers. My mom has been a corporate business woman my entire life, and I remember her working the longest hours. I can still hear her heels hitting the brick floor when she would finally come home from work. My dad was the appraiser, so his hours were a little more flexible. He could take off during the day to come on field trips, but I remember him having to work on his computer until midnight to make up for it.
Seeing how my parents worked so hard, but were able to be fully present in our lives and still have fun is an inspiration to me; that has made me the person I am today. It shows you can work hard and have an amazing family life at the same time. I have 2 younger sisters who are nurses and a husband who is in law enforcement, so I have the utmost respect and biggest soft spot for nurses and law enforcement families.
I have a little girl named Haven who changed my life when she came in 2017 (yep, I’m one of those moms). I was a work-a-holic before she arrived, and the whole time I was pregnant I knew this little baby was going to ruin my real estate career. When she arrived, all of that changed. She gave me new purpose, new perspective and made my work EVEN BETTER! We have since welcomed our son, Tate, in 2021, and have so enjoyed becoming our family of four!
The year she was born was my record year thus far, selling 92 homes! And the crazy part? It felt easy because it was so fulfilling. I finally had something driving me greater than myself. I hit the jackpot when it comes to my in-laws. Without my Jenkins family helping me on nights and weekends, there is no way I would be able to do the business I do.
I hope this gives you a little insight into the person behind this business and eases any worries you have about stepping into working together!
My Twelve Resolutions
I have the joy and honor to join with a small group of women who answered the call to be publicly transparent about our desire to grow in our Christianity, our need for accountability, the need for support and the importance of transparency in sharing our struggles - because we find strength in our "village" community of other women facing the same daily challenge.
My Twelve Resolutions is a weekly devotional that arrives right in your inbox.